Friday, November 10, 2017

Who Does What? Seeking Synergy

Sometimes in the school house, there can be finger pointing. We can wonder why he/she didn't do this/that when needs and opportunities arise. When this happens, there typically is a realization that more or better can be done and a quandary about how to do that. It's much easier to finger point, blame, or expect another to do the task than to truly sit down together and analyze the situation with the questions, Is this need a priority and how can we best synthesize our time, expertise, experience, and effort to meet this need?

Our team is tackling this question with regard to the math program. We have a number of great online/offline resources, experienced educators, and good goals, and the question remains how can we best utilize this rich environment to move students ahead in engaging, empowering, positive ways?

We've begun to draft a service delivery map that includes multiple targeted services and materials including targeted tech work, home study expectations, in-class supports, and learning experiences. We will be thinking more about this synthesis in the days to come. I'm excited about the potential this learning map making and service delivery holds, and welcome any ideas you may have as we grow this approach.