Friday, March 31, 2017

Surprise! New Curriculum

A simple question revealed that I have two new units to plan for and teach prior to the end of the year. One was a replacement unit I missed due to the fact that I was absent during the curriculum share day and didn't realize there was a new unit and the project had changed. The other one (which I originally thought was two) was brand new as far as I know--I never heard of them before and had no related information. Now I have the information for the two new units and the one existing unit in the curriculum thread and there appears to possibly be another activity too that's being shipped soon-I'm still unsure about this.

So all in all there's two new units to teach in the last eight weeks of the year--each unit will take about 2-3 days to teach and colleagues and I will collaborate around those units.

What would have been helpful in this regard would have been to receive an outline of all the units via email early in the year. That would have helped me with planning and supply acquisition.

As it stands now, I have to find time to discover and order all the related materials and study the units--units I had no voice in since I did not volunteer for the days to do the research. I don't think voice and choice should depend on who has volunteer time, but that's not for me to decide.

I really think good teamwork depends on keeping the team up to date in a timely manner about what is happening and why. It's really helpful to make information accessible via websites and other user-friendly vehicles too to aid educators' efforts. And of course, there's always greater investment if educators have voice and choice. Also I had spent a great deal of time prepping for the two units that were deleted, and I had no say in the deletion at all.

I really try to stay ahead of the curve, plan the lessons, do the research, and focus on good teaching. But when events like this happen, you feel like a cog on a wheel being rolled by someone else. Events like this basically say, "You don't matter--do as I say, don't think, and obey." I've not read anything to support this kind of effort, but it exists in pockets here and there for teachers. I must say it's very discouraging.

The surprise today was quite troubling for me, but as I always do, I'll make it work. Onward.