Thursday, April 28, 2016

Salary and Working Conditions in the Knowledge Age

As we move from old time factory models of schools to new "knowledge age" models, what does that mean for optimal teaching/learning working conditions.

What do teachers and leaders need to do good work in the knowledge age?

The knowledge age is defined as "a new, advanced form of capitalism in which knowledge and ideas are the main source of economic growth (more important than land, labour, money, or other 'tangible resources.' (definition resource)

For starters, all workers in the knowledge age, should have a high quality tech device. That's a working condition that educators in my system enjoy.

I also believe that communication patterns, lead time, and accessibility of information, resources, and tools are essential during the knowledge age. If you don't know, it's difficult to grow--grow ideas, efforts, collaboration, or good service to children.

Further, with regard to learning organizations, knowledge age workers need that right balance of online/offline work, and our environments need to reflect what we need to be healthy, collaborative, thoughtful learners and teachers.

In this knowledge age, rules and protocols need to change too so that knowledge streams are efficient, uncluttered, and open to the best possible knowledge share within and outside of the school organization. The best resources should be available to all teachers and learners. Leadership changes too in this regard, instead of old time managers, new age leaders seek to develop "autonomy, purpose, and mastery" as Pink's book, Drive, suggests. They work with greater shared leadership models that include greater collaboration and flexible roles rather than the old time factory hierarchy of thinkers and doers.

I want to think about the impact the knowledge age has on working conditions in our schools today. Have knowledge age expectations also affected our roles, hours, and use of time in schools? Reading more about successful knowledge age institutions will help me to understand what knowledge workers need to succeed and teach children well.

As I develop this body of research, what ideas do you have to offer?