Monday, March 28, 2016

Does Your Union Work For You?

In the recent past I got to know my Union better. Through this knowledge, I realized that the Union membership is one way to have an important voice in education. Working together in solidarity with fellow educators gives us a collective voice which has the potential to positively impact our schools and the children we teach.

I wish I had known more about my Union earlier on. I wish I understood what was available with regard to grants, professional learning opportunities, advocacy, and support. Now as a local Union Board Building Representative, one of my main objectives is to help my colleagues understand what their Union dollars do for them. I want to make that information accessible to them, and invite them to get involved too. I want to make the connection for them that Union membership and involvement is a wonderful way to impact our dailly work conditions and our ability to serve students well.

What does your Union do for you? It's a good idea to ask that question and seek some answers. At our local level we're asking those questions and looking for effective ways to utilize Union streams to empower what we can do as educators. This is a positive direction.