Wednesday, March 26, 2014

The Efficiency of Information Shared

I spend a lot of time asking questions, and trying to figure things out.

When information is readily shared and coordinated, less time has to be spent asking questions and seeking information.

Yet, how can information be shared.

First, as information is collected and discussed, the notes can be hosted on a collaborative document or website. There could be places on that document for questions, ideas, and suggestions--I noticed that teaching platforms such as Khan Academy has that. This creates a "go-to" place for information, expression, and share.

Next, information share can be timely and regular--an ongoing conversation of information shared that learning community members can regularly check. In busy organizations, this creates team and serves to integrate information in positive ways.

When information is shared often and with depth, less time has to be spent asking procedural questions and looking for information, and more time can be spent on the important questions and conversations that move our schools forward to teach children well.

How do you share information regularly and comprehensively?  How does that information share serve to streamline procedures and leave more time for the important work of teaching children well?